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Two Quotes...

I found a couple of quotes this week that I would like to share. they are not necessarily related, but offer good,  sage advice.


I don't know who said the first one, but he/she got it right.

"If you don't know where you are going, any road will do."

Let's think on that for a minute. If I don't have a goal, or plan, any path that I chose will lead me somewhere. That random pathway, will take me to some destination, and hopefully it will be someplace where I don't mind being.  Conversely, it may take me a direction that I do not want to go and leave me at a place that I do not want to be.

Wouldn't it be better to choose the path I want to be on? Then I have some say in the outcome, and I can control the speed at which I arrive? Further it will be a destination of MY choosing. I can also recognize that this is not the path that I want to be on and I can take a different road. We chose our own path in scouting, and in life.


The other one came out of a Fortune Cookie that I got While eating Chinese food in Washington DC. Besides learning Chinese ( the work for "Spring" is Chun Tian) and my lucky lottery numbers (they weren't), the quote struck home on many different levels. I did get a little ribbing for stuffing the thing in my wallet for use later, but it is powerful in its simplicity.

It said, " A different World cannot be built by Indifferent people."

We choose to be something different by being in Scouts, and living he scout law and oath. We choose to make a difference by our service and our "good turn daily". That is how we change the world a little bit at a time. We may only affect our small corner of it, but we did change it, hopefully for the better.

We should take pride in that.